A record's number is its most important identifying attribute, and having a familiar numbering pattern can help you keep track of records more easily.
For each Record Type, you can customize the record numbering pattern. To do so, head to Settings > Record Types and choose the Record Type you'd like to customize.
Find the Numbering Pattern section and choose the option you'd like to apply.
Note: Changing a Record Type's numbering pattern only affects records created after the change. Existing record numbers will be unaffected by these settings.
Available Numbering Patterns
There are four record numbering options:ย
1. Basic (Default): Sequential number only (e.g. 1234)
All Record Types set to Basic numbering share a common number sequence that increments infinitely.
2. Annual: Two-digit year of submission + sequential number (e.g. 19-1234)
The two-digit year updates automatically at the beginning of each new year.
All Record Types set to Annual numbering share a common number sequence that resets back to 1 at the beginning of each new year.
3. Prefixed: Prefix + sequential number (e.g. A-1234)
A prefix can be 1-4 letters (A-Z only)
The numbering sequence is specific to the given prefix
Prefixes can be shared among Record Types; the numbering sequence for each prefix will be shared among all Record Types using the same prefix.
The numbering sequence increments infinitely
A common use case is to set the first letter of the permit type as the prefix. For example, B for Building Permits, E for Electrical Permits, etc.ย
In order to set the prefix, select the "Prefix" option, enter your desired prefix in the "Record Prefix" field and then click "Set."
4. Annual Prefixed: Prefix + two-digit year of submission + sequential number (e.g. A-19-1234)
The numbering sequence is specific to the given prefix.
The two-digit year updates automatically at the beginning of each new year.
The numbering sequence for each prefix resets back to 1 at the beginning of each new year.
Viewing and Changing the Next Available Number
Once you've chosen a particular numbering pattern, the Next Available Number section allows you to preview the number of the next submitted record.
You may want records to start at a different number than the next sequential number. To change the Next Available Number, click the pencil icon next to the number preview. Enter a new number in the text box and click "Set".
Note: You may only set the Next Available Number to a number higher than those already in use by existing records.