Release Date: August 19, 2016
Fee Designer: The new Fees tab allows you to build uniform fee calculations for a Record Type. These Fees can be assigned to any workflow within a Record Type and also be applied on the fly when reviewing a record.
Easier Accounting: Each fee can have its own label and account number, making it easier to report on and see what's been paid in the Ledger report.
Overall Minimums & Maximums: Set an overall minimum and/or maximum to a fee.
Saved Reports: Reports can now be saved and accessed again at any time. All filters and additional columns can be saved. Each saved report can be named for even easier access.
Activity Log: The new Activity Log tracks all actions taken in Settings and also on specific records (such as uploading attachments, adding a fee, etc).
Additional enhancements:
Ability to remove assigned users from Approval and Inspection steps.
Ability to edit property owner information on a record.
Phone extensions can now be 5 digits.
For historical records, Historical ID will appear on all records migrated from old systems.
Ability to set expiration dates when issuing a new document.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the ability to copy (clone) Record Types.
The links between Storefront pages are now displaying correctly.
Faster loading times for documents.