In order to start a new inspection, click the "New Inspection" button.
Once a new inspection has been started, you can choose an inspection type on the left side of the screen.
Now that you have selected an inspection type, you have the ability to leave an overall comment at the top of the screen. You can also set an overall status for the inspection. The overall status options are Pass, Fail, and Partial Pass.
Each inspection can also have checklist items associated with the inspection type. Each checklist item can have a status of Pass, Fail, or Skip. Once you have updated the status on an inspection checklist item, you have the option of leaving a comment. In addition to adding a status to a checklist item, you can also upload pictures as well by clicking the camera image.
Once you have added all the relevant inspection information, you can complete the inspection by clicking the "Complete Inspection" button. If you are filling out an inspection on behalf of someone else, you can update the inspector name by clicking on the current name and searching for another user. You also have the ability to choose another date by clicking on the current date.