Go to Settings and click on Users
In the Add User section, enter in the person's name and email address
Click Add.
The newly added user will receive an email asking them to confirm their account. When they confirm their account, they'll also be able to create their password to access the website.
There are two access levels available:
System Administrators: System administrators have access to all settings and functionality within ViewPoint Cloud, including financial access and user permissions. We suggest you limit users with this level of access.
Employee Users: General employees have access to create records. They are assigned to review different steps of applications based on their access level and/or user group.
By default, newly added users have this access level, but can be switched to be a System Administrator:
Click on the employee icon next to the user's name.
Select the star from the drop down menu that appears to switch them to a System Administrator.
Employee Access within Record Types
System administrators can assign employee level users (and groups) access to specific Record Types. There are four distinct employee access levels:
No Access:
Cannot see records in this Record Type.
Records will not appear in reports.
Record pages in this Record Type cannot be accessed.
Can View:
Can view records in that Record Type.
Records will appear in reports.
Can Edit:
Can edit submitted forms.
Change the Project associated with a record.
Add or remove inspection types (within an Inspection Step).
Assign and reassign steps in a Timeline.
Add or remove attachments in a record.
Can process payments (but cannot edit them)
Can Administer:
To give Users and Groups access:
Go to the Record Type.
In the Employee Access section, click on Add a Group or User.
Search for their name and select them from the drop down menu.
By default, they will have "Can View" access. To change that, use the drop down menu to select their access level.
To remove a User or Group from this section: Hover over their name and click on the Trashcan icon that appears.